Store #1 - Houston Texas

Money-Back Guarantee

Risk Free Service.

At World-Wide-Walkie-Talkie, we want your decision to switch to our service to be as easy as possible. Our support staff and 24/7 help desk will be happy to assist with any issues you may have with your VoIP service.

If you wish to cancel your World-Wide-Walkie-Talkie service, for any reason, you may do so within the first 30 days and receive a complete refund.

How it Works

Simply call the World-Wide-Walkie-Talkie Customer Support department at 866-349-7338 or 305-728-4647 and tell us that you are a new, first-time World-Wide-Walkie-Talkie customer that is dissatisfied with our service. If you meet the guidelines below, we will refund the initial setup charge and first month’s charge for service.


Money-Back Guarantee Guidelines:

  • The 30 day money back guarantee starts when your account is first activated.

  • Customer must call World-Wide-Walkie-Talkie Customer Support within 30 days of account activation requesting cancellation of their service and a refund of their setup and first monthly service charges

  • Customer must not exceed 500 minutes of usage on their account

  • This guarantee is intended to provide first-time World-Wide-Walkie-Talkie customers with a risk-free opportunity to try World-Wide-Walkie-Talkie service.  Attempts to use this guarantee for any other purpose are prohibited.